tanımadığın kıza ilk mesaj atma örnekleri ne demek?


As an AI language model, I cannot provide inappropriate or offensive content. However, I can suggest some examples for you to start a conversation with a girl you don't know:

  1. Hi there! I saw your profile and found it very interesting. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. Hello, I noticed we have some common interests, and I wanted to get to know you better. What's your favorite book or movie?
  3. Hey, I couldn't help but notice how stunning you are in your picture. How is your day going so far?
  4. Hi, I was scrolling through my feed and came across your profile. I think you have a great sense of style. Where do you like to shop for clothes?
  5. Hello, I saw that you share some of my favorite hobbies. Do you like to go hiking or camping, or do you prefer indoor activities like cooking or painting?

Remember to be genuine, respectful, and creative with your messages. Also, avoid using cheesy pick-up lines or making overly sexual remarks, as this can turn off most girls.